Relief part 3
Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2025 @ 4:08am by Rear Admiral Jack Pike & Commander Vina Lokai & Lieutenant Commander Trriston Solarr & Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
1,468 words; about a 7 minute read
Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Carraya VI Colony
Timeline: Current
Dr. Romaine followed Cambridge. He led her to a building and stopped at the door, "They are expecting you. We really appreciate your help."
"You're welcome." She looked over at Lt. Childers and nodded, "See you later Lieutenant." She walked in and glanced around the place.
She was greeted by a woman, "Oh good you're here. I'm Doctor Richmond. I'm in charge of this medical building. We could really use your help as you can see. The shipment of medical supplies hasn't arrived yet." She showed her where they kept the meds, "We have only a few things in stock here. If there was an emergency, we aren't equipped to care for them."
"The New Hampshire has some things that I can beam down to help. I'll have someone find out what is taking so long to get your supplies."
"Oh, thank you so much. If I could show you around, I'd appreciate if you could tell me how I can improve this place before something bad really happens."
Mutara looked at her strangely, "What makes you think anything bad is going to happen?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I have a habit of worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. You would think that everyone would get along but there are those that the people of this colony don't want here. They don't trust the Romulans and the Klingons, well, they have a different idea how things should be run."
"We saw a fight almost break out." Mutara shook her head, "Well, let's not worry about that now. Let's take a look at the facilities." She followed Dr. Richmond.
Dr. Larson who was giving the tour to Lokai, Solarr, and the rest of the team, walked around the place.
Hidden behind the moon sat the cloaked Valdore class warbird, the Caitian male sitting in the command chair while a female Orion stood behind him, a Cardassian male was at the helm, a Reman male at the weapons control, the lift doors opened as the Romulan from the planet stepped through but said nothing.
While Dr. Romaine was helping with the supplies that were sent down, Vina was taking a tour. Dr. Romaine saw from the corner of her eye, someone who was looking at her, trying to get her attention. It was a young half-Klingon girl in her late twenties. She could tell that she was trying to hide from Dr. Richmond because as soon as they approached, she crouched down behind something. Dr. Romaine distracted her by giving her a box of medical supplies to put away. Dr. Romaine moved over to where the girl was, pretending to be going through the box and whispered, "Meet me behind the building."
"Dr. Richmond, I'm going to go meet one of my crewmen to show them where to go. I'll be back momentarily." She left. Met the girl, "What's wrong?"
"I don't want to leave this place. They don't treat half breeds nicely. But they will be looking for me if I don't return. So, in order to stay here, I think you need to know something."
"Okay, what is it?" She was very interested.
"There is a warbird cloaked. There are not only Klingons and Romulans on it, but also a Cardassian and it's being commanded by a Caitian. They want to take over this place and claim it for their own selfish reasons. Do whatever you want to them, I'm not going back!"
"A cloaked warbird? Thanks. Do you have any family?"
"Just my father. My mother is dead. He's in on the plan and was just using me for a cover. I thought I wanted the same thing but once I beamed down and got to know the people here and how they treat people like me, I don't want anything to happen to them. Take them down, please. I want my freedom."
"Okay. I'm gonna go. I need to let my Captain know. Thank you." She could see that this girl wasn't going to go back and it wasn't her business. Dr. Romaine went looking for Vina. She didn't want to use her communicator to alert anyone. She wasn't sure who else was from this cloaked vessel.
Vina's tour was over. The replicator was being fixed now and Vina still wasn't convinced that it was sabotage. That would soon change.
Dr. Romaine found Vina, "Good, I found you. We need to talk... alone."
They moved away from earshot, "What is it? You look like you just saw a ghost." She was concerned.
"I just met a Klingon, well, half Klingon. She just informed me that there is a cloaked warship and they are planning to make this their own. We need to let Captain Pike know right now!"
"I agree." She contacted all of the landing party, "This is Commander Lokai, I need all of you to beam back to the ship, no questions asked." She then contacted Pike, "Lokai to Pike, beam us up immediately. We have a problem."
Jack raised an eyebrow hearing his XO then contacted the transporter room "Beam up the away team."
On the ship, Lokai saw Solarr and the rest of the landing party, "Sorry, I just didn't want to say this over the comms. There is a cloaked warbird as we speak and they are planning to do harm to the colony back there. We need to get to the bridge and tell Pike. All of you, now!"
Trriston suddenly got very serious and his ears turned their full attention on the doctor. “How did you learrn about this?” he asked, both concerned about the colony and already running through ways to find the cloaked ship.
"A half Klingon girl I saw was trying to get my attention while trying to stay hidden. She told me that there was a ship that she was on but she didn't want to return to it. She wanted to stay there, where she felt welcomed. So, she snitched on them." She added, "If I had thought of it, I should of asked her where it was exactly."
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Vina made her way to the bridge and approached Pike, "We have a cloaked warbird here. According to my source, they aren't here on a vacation. They have a plan in motion to do harm to the people on this colony."
Jack stood up turning once he heard the doors of the lift open, "Red alert, shields up." turning around to face the main viewer "Find me that ship."
“Yes, Sirr,” Trriston said, already logging in to his security console and bringing up the tactical controls. Thinking about where he would hide if he were in charge of a cloak-capable ship. He started scanning over the poles of the planet and its moon, knowing that the gravity wells could help mask their signal. Not finding anything at the poles, he moved on to scanning the far side of the planet and the moon, planning to check the poles of every planet and moon in the system if he still didn’t find anything. His scans didn’t show anything conclusive, though something about an anomaly that resembled the ripples behind ducks on a pond bothered him. “Sirr, I don’t know if it’s them orr not, but I have a sensorr anomaly nearr the planet’s moon.”
Jack sat back down in his chair "Run a more detailed scan over towards the moon. Let's see if they are hiding there."
“Yes, Sirr.” Trriston began running every scan he could think of to find the ship, then he remembered a story he’d heard about a situation the Enterprise had during Captain Kirk’s command. (Look for the tailpipe. I wonder if it would still work,) he thought as he began looking up known ship classes that were cloak-capable and entering their known emissions. Once this was done, he ran a scan for all of them, focusing on the area around the moon where the sensor ripples were strongest. He soon found the ship and, based on the emissions cocktail, learned it was a Valdore class warbird. Trriston couldn’t help chuckling when he saw the kind of ship it was, (It’s even a Klingon ship. Thank you, Commander Uhura, I don’t know if I’d have found them without you.) “Sirr, sensorrs found a Valdorre class warrbird hiding on the otherr side of the moon,” he reported while sending the coordinates to the navigation officer’s console.
Jack sat down in his chair "Helm plot a course, let's see what we can find."
The mission was over, all had been arrested, the New Hampshire was heading to the closest Star Base with the warrbird in tow. They would then hand the ship and prisoners over to Star Fleet security.