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Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 9:28pm

Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine

Name Mutara Romaine

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 47

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 135 lbs.
Hair Color Reddish Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Tall, slender legs and used to wear her medium length hair up either up or down on duty depending on her task for that day but now she is wearing it much shorter these days.


Spouse Pike
Children None2369/At 18, she joined Starfleet Academy Medical and continued to teach self-defense until she graduated.
2373/Graduated, Assigned to the USS Triton to serve her internship. Ensign
2375-Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2378-Promoted to Lieutenant
2381-Promoted to Lt. Commander. Given position of ACMO
2385-Promoted to Commander.Transferred to the USS Eagle (NCC-25816-B) as CMO.
Father Alex Romaine-Civilian-Doctor
Mother -Lita Romaine-Civilian-Biochemist
Brother(s) RAdm. Kyle Romaine-Starfleet Academy, Cpt. Drake Romaine-USS Crazy Horse-CO, Cmdr. Leonard Romaine-USS Brattain-OPS, Cmdr. Bryce Romaine-USS Stargazer-CMO, Cmdr. Ian Romaine-USS Yorktown-CEO
Sister(s) Tameara Romaine-Civilian-BioChemist younger (twin)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses She loves practical jokes. She is kind, passionate and gets along with everyone. She rarely gets depressed. She has a good sense of humor.
She can take care of herself and can keep up with a guy anytime. When it comes to her job, sometimes she can take it too seriously.
Ambitions She's already achieved it!
Hobbies & Interests Horse back Riding, Music, old 21st century movies, Kickboxing, self defense (all)

Personal History Mutara had a normal childhood growing up. Having an identical twin made life fun. They'd play practical jokes on family, friends, and school teachers. Mutara decided at an early age of 9 that she wanted to serve in Starfleet. Three of her brothers had already joined. She enrolled in Martial Art and self-defense classes. By the time she was 17, she was at the top of her class along with another person. Her teacher recommended that she teach it since she was very good at it. She followed the recommendation.

Soon, she followed her brothers footsteps and joined Starfleet. After graduating which the whole family was able to attend, she was assigned to the USS Triton where she ended up staying on. The CMO was killed while on a mission which opened up the ACMO position which she got. After two more years on the Triton, she was offered the CMO position on the Eagle and took it. That ended and she was snatched up by Captain Pike whom she married later on.
Service Record 2369/At 18, she joined Starfleet Academy Medical and continued to teach self-defense until she graduated.
2373/Graduated, Assigned to the USS Triton to serve her internship. Ensign
2375-Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2378-Promoted to Lieutenant
2381-Promoted to Lt. Commander. Given position of ACMO
2390-Promoted to Commander. Transferred to the USS Eagle (NCC-25816-B) as CMO.
2394-Transfered to the USS New Hampshire-B