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Relief part 2

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 5:16am by Commander Vina Lokai & Rear Admiral Jack Pike & Lieutenant Commander Trriston Solarr & Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine & Lieutenant JG Christine Childers & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Jonathan (Jon) Riley
Edited on on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 5:28am

3,082 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: New Hampshire/Carraya VI
Timeline: Current
Tags: All

Jack had stepped off the lift entering the bridge, he looked around for a moment before heading to the command chair.

"Report Commander, are all departments ready?"

Vina looked over at Jack, "All departments have checked in and are ready."

He nodded as he sat down "Helm, set a course to the Carraya system."

Serron Grax "Aye sir."

Christine sat at Ops now getting the ship ready to depart, she said " Port has given us the Green light to leave when ready Sir," as this was hopefully a better mission than the last one she took part in.

Sarissa sat in her seat observing as the ship departed for its latest assignment. She didn't have to be on the bridge but it was one of the perks of being part of the senior staff that she loved. In-between appointments she would be found on the bridge.

Jon has made his way to the bridge, he wanted to be present for the launch. He looked around it was quite a sight to see things unfolding.

As the ship arrived in the system, Jack rose from his seat "Number One, you have the conn, also inform Mr. Ziraf to meet us in transporter room 1. Mr. Solarr, you are with me." Jack then headed for the lift.

"Yes, Sirr," Trriston said. He logged out of the terminal and passed the duty off to the stand-by officer, waiting only long enough for her to log in before he joined the commodore in the lift.

Vina moved over to the other chair and contacted Mr. Ziraf.

Sarissa watched them go. She was curious as to what they were going to find. She certainly hoped they wouldn’t end up stirring up old rivalries with their arrival at the planet.

Jack stopped before he got to the lift then turned looking "Actually Commander, I am going to let you handle this mission. And Sarissa, I am letting you go along with,"

Vina wasn't expecting that. She nodded to Jack, "Yes, of course." She looked over at Sarissa as she stood up and walked towards the turbolift.

Trriston was relieved that the Commodore wasn’t planning to go on the initial mission after all. He’d been going through how he would convince his new commanding officer to stay on the ship in his head, and not liking what he was coming up with. As security chief, it was his duty to protect the crew, especially the captain of the ship. There was a good reason for the regulations on captains going on potentially dangerous missions. Now his focus was on the XO and how he would ensure the whole away team’s safety.

“Sir” Sarissa nodded and looked at Jack before standing up from her seat and heading over to the turbolift. “I’ll do my best to help Sir.”

Her attention was still on Sarissa, "I have to get something from my quarters. I'll meet you in the transporter room in 10 minutes." The door opened and they stepped in.

“Understood” Sarissa nodded. “I’ll see you there.”

Vina looked over at Mr. Solarr who was already at the turbolift, "Mr. Solarr, I guess you're with me as well." Mr. Ziraf would be updated once he arrived at transporter room 1.

Vina got to her quarters, did what she needed to do, and then arrived at the transporter room. There was Sarissa and Mr. Solarr waiting for her. Looking at Mr. Solarr, "I'd like to assess the situation before we have your team or medical join us." As they were getting ready to transport down, two security men joined them. Vina wasn't sure what the situation was down there, except what was reported to them earlier. She hated going into a situation without knowing all the facts.

“I’m sorrry, Ma’am,” Trriston began regretfully, “but I must insist on at least two of my people going with you. And I’d prreferr it if I werre one of the two. We don’t know what we’rre walking into down therre. I prreferr to be safe than sorrry. The rrest of my team can come with the others, but you should have at least two securrity perrsonnel on the firrst team.” He waited and hoped that he wouldn’t need to argue his point to have some protection for the members of the first team going to the planet.

"I knew you would insist so there they are." She nodded to the two security officers. "We don't know what will happen when we beam down so be on alert and watch your six." Vina stepped onto the transporter pad and waited for the others to join her.

Not hearing a denial of his being one of the two security officers on the first team, Trriston turned to the two security officers to give them their orders. “Rriggs, I want you to lead the next team down. Ta’mal, you’rre with me on the firrst team. Rrememberr, we don’t know what we’rre beaming into, so be rready forr anything and stay alerrt at all times.”

“Yes, Sir,” both men replied, then moved to carry out their orders. Trriston and Lt. Ta’mal joined the team on the pad, and waited to be transported down.

The ship was cloaked sitting there watching everything that was going on, the Federation ship had been spotted on the sensors but hadn't detected them quite yet. The Caitian was sitting in the command chair thinking on his next move.

The landing party beamed down to the planet. They were supposed to be greeted by a Federation member but that person was absent. Vina looked around, "That's strange." Vina had her team wait for a few more minutes but still, no one showed. In the distance, they could hear angry voices. She couldn't make out what was being said. "Well, it looks like our guide is not coming. Let's go see what is going on. Mr. Solarr, lead the way."

“Yes, Ma’am. Ta’mal, You’rre on rrear guarrd. Stay alerrt, we don’t know why ourr guide wasn’t herre, orr what we’rre about to encounterr,” Trriston said, hoping they were ready for anything.

“Yes, Sir,” Ta’mal said before taking his position at the back of the group, watching behind them very carefully.

Trriston went to the front of the group and made a quick scan of the area ahead of them with his tricorder. Finding nothing dangerous to the group with his tricorder or his senses, he decided it was safe to proceed. “OK, everryone, let’s go, but stay alerrt.”

As they made their way towards the noise, they could see two Klingons, two Romulans, and three humans arguing amongst themselves. As the landing party got closer, the arguing turned into a physical fight. The landing party hastened their pace. Vina let Mr. Solarr take the lead.

Seeing the argument becoming a fight, Trriston decided he needed to put a stop to the fight before it couldn’t be stopped without leaving bodies behind. “Ta’mal, stay with the otherrs. I’ll take carre of this,” he ordered as he started to run ahead.

“Yes, Sir,” Ta’mal said as he moved to the front of the away team with his hand on his phaser, just in case he needed it.

Trriston quickly got near the fight and let out a loud snarl to get everyone’s attention, hoping it would be enough to stop the fight long enough for him to talk to them and find out what the fight was about. It almost worked too well as everyone there turned his way expecting a wild animal to be attacking. Anyone who didn’t already have a weapon of some kind was reaching for the closest thing they thought might be useful as one, and the ones that had one were starting to turn them toward Trriston.

“Everryone, calm down. I’m Lieutenant Commanderr Solarr, frrom the Starr Ship New Hampshirre. What is going on herre?” he asked holding his arm out in front of him with his palms down, in a hopefully calming gesture. He was pleased to see almost everyone putting their weapons down. He was disappointed, but not surprised, to see that the Klingons and the Romulans were still holding theirs; ready to start fighting again at any moment. He kept a close eye on them while he waited for someone to answer him.

The human looked relieved to see some reinforcements standing before him, "Finally, someone from the Federation is here. I'm Johnathan. I'll tell you what's happening. Those two shouldn't be here." He pointed to one of the Klingons and one of the Romulans, "They are trying to ruin everything we have accomplished here." The Romulan tried to cut him off but this man was not going to let that happen. He raised his voice to be heard, "Look, we are a non-segregated colony. All we want to do is coexist with each other no matter where you're from." He looked Trriston up and down, "I'm sure you understand."

“I do indeed,” Trriston replied, pleased with the colony’s goal. “Please, continue.”

Johnathan continued, "They want the colony proprietor to let them have their own communities that don't include anyone who isn't Klingon or Romulan. That defeats the whole purpose of this colony. If they want it so bad, then they need to go somewhere else to do it. But instead, they're sabotaging whatever they can to make this colony fail as a unit." The others shouted out in agreement. Surprisingly, it wasn't just the humans agreeing.

Vina had broken away from the away team while Johnathan was explaining. Listening, she butted in, "If the proprietor doesn't want to do that nor the residents of the colony, it's his or her prerogative. So, my advice to you both is to leave. Go back to Romulas or wherever you're from. I'm sure Mr. Solarr here would be happy to escort you both."

They didn't like what she said. The Klingon, thinking highly of himself as being a great warrior, decided that he was going to take her on.

Trriston quickly stepped in front of the Klingon and stood with his claws extended and his teeth bared in a warning snarl, ready to defend the commander. The Klingon paused only a moment at the unexpected opponent before continuing his attack.

Seeing that the Klingon wasn’t going to stop Trriston quickly decided on what he thought would best protect the away team and the civilians. “Ta’mal, plan Virrna,” he called back, referring to one of the security protocols he had put in place for just this kind of situation. This one, using the Trrugar word for vigilance, meant that half of the security team would engage the threat while the other half watched over those who might need additional protection. Ta’mal took a position near the away team where he could watch the other Klingon and the Romulans while keeping an eye on Trriston to make sure he didn’t need help.

When the Klingon got close, he drew a Daqtagh (the Klingon knife with the spring-loaded guard blades) and launched his attack. Trriston was glad that he had a collection of Klingon blades and that he knew how to use every one of them. It told him exactly what moves the Klingon was most likely to use.

Not wanting to kill his opponent or leave him dishonored if he could avoid it, Trriston went through what he knew of Klingon rules of honor. Trriston recognized the attack move the Klingon was using and when Trriston grabbed and twisted his arm to block the thrust, he dug his claws into the Klingon’s arm in a way that would prevent further attacks without crippling him. With his other hand, Trriston took the Daqtagh and took up a traditional defensive stance, demonstrating to the Klingon that he knew the traditional techniques and how to use the blade.

Seeing Trriston’s stance and realizing how skilled he was, between how Trriston had injured him and Trriston’s apparent knowledge of how to use the weapon, he reluctantly conceded the fight while acknowledging Trriston’s skill. “I yield to a better warrior,” he said, his words almost a growl of frustration.

“I’m glad you have the wisdom and courrage to admit that. You honorr yourr house with such courrage. Trriston tossed the Klingon’s blade back to him and the Klingon simply nodded with a grunt and put the blade away. “Now, will you gentlemen be staying underr the colony’s rrules, orr will you be leaving?” Trriston asked, making it clear that those were their only two options.

The Romulan, who by this time could see that this was a fight they could not win, "I concede and will be leaving." The Klingon huffed a little, "I likewise will leave. I don't want to live on a planet, sharing living space with weak, pathetic humans." They walked away.

Vina was relieved that they were leaving, but she still felt that this wasn't over. They gave up too easily if she knew the way Klingons and Romulans are. The Romulans are more cunning than the Klingons and didn't trust them as far as she could throw them, "Let's find the proprietor of this colony and see if we can get more of what this colony is about." She wondered if they were really responsible for sabotage.

Trriston was surprised that they decided to leave so quickly, especially the Romulan. He was expecting them to agree to stay so they could plan a way to take over later, or something similar. He decided to keep an eye out for them, just in case they tried to sneak back in. (Romulans are too cunning to just give up like this,) he thought, (and the Klingon will remember that I beat him. I just hope he doesn’t try to sneak back for revenge. I’ll have to be extra vigilant during this mission; and I’ll make sure my teams are as well.) Trriston turned back to face the rest of the away team, “Everryone, keep yourr eyes open. This may not be the last we hearr frrom those two. Ta’mal, rresume yourr rrear-guarrd position.” Trriston turned to the colonists who were still standing nearby, “Wherre can we find the Prroprrietor?”

"This way. Please follow me." He led them to a dome like building. Vina looked around her surroundings. She could tell that they were still trying to get things finished. They entered the building, "Wait here." it wasn't but a few minutes that they were greeted, "Hello, I'm Dr. Larson. I'm so glad that you were able to make it. I'd love to show you around."

Vina smiled, "Good to meet you doctor. I'm Commander Lokai, the executive officer of the New Hampshire. This is our third officer, Lt. Commander Solarr, our Chief of Security."

Larson stared at Solarr for a moment as he had never seen anyone of his species before, "Good to meet you." He looked at the rest of the away team, "I am assuming one of you are a medical doctor. We could really use some help at our medical facility."

Vina nodded, "Yes, we have Dr. Romaine here to help."

"Good. I'll have someone show her where to go."

Vina smiled, "Great. Also, we understand that your replicator was sabotaged. Lieutenant Childers is here to help with that."

"Perfect. We could really use your help. We've had a few that don't agree with what we are doing here. All I want is everyone to live with each other peacefully. Equality is very important to me."

"We get it, we really do." Vina looked at the away team, "I would love to tour your colony."

"Okay then. Cambridge here will lead your team to our medical facility and to the replicator that was damaged. We aren't sure if it was sabotage. I'm just guessing. There is something going on but I don't know what it is."

"We'll check things out and see if we find anything of concern." She looked back at Solarr for a moment, "Then let's get this tour going."

“Not yet, Commanderr,” Trriston said regretfully. “If we’rre going to be splitting ourr team up this much, I’ll need to brring down two morre of my team. I want at least one with each grroup.” Not waiting for her reply Trriston tapped his comm badge, “Trriston to Lieutenant Rriggs.”

“Go ahead, sir.”

“Send two of ourr people down to these coorrdinates as soon as you can.”

“Yes, sir. We have two here in the transporter room now,” Riggs said, pointing at the two security officers and then at the transporter pad, telling them to get on it for transport. “They’re getting on the pad now, sir.” As they transported down, he called for another security team to be ready to transport down with the next group, or if they were needed for an emergency.

“Thank you, Lieutenant Rriggs.” Trriston was pleased and proud of his officer for being so ready and prepared. (I might just have to promote him. It sounds like he may be ready to lead his own team or group,) Trriston thought as he waited for the officers to finish transporting down. Once they had, he began assigning them to the dividing groups, “You, stay with the doctorr,” he said pointing to the first one. “Help him as you can without jeoparrdizing securrity. We just rran off a Klingon and a Romulan who didn’t agrree with how things arre being rrun herre, so stay alerrt. You, stay with stay with the chief. Same orrders, help as you can, but securrity comes firrst,” he said, pointing at the other officer.

“Yes, sir,” they both said and took their assigned positions.

Trriston turned to face the commander, “Now we can begin ourr tourr, Ma’am,” he said, apologetically with just a slight emphasis on “now.” “Sorrry I had to insist on that, but I am rresponsible forr the away team’s safety.”

"That is fine. That's why you are in charge of security." She turned her attention back to Dr. Larson, "Looks like were ready."

"Very good. This way." Dr. Larson with the away team in tow walked out of the building. Dr. Romaine and Lt. Childers went with Cambridge.



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