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Meeting the XO/CMO

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2022 @ 2:43pm by Commander Vina Lokai

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Dr. Romaine was getting Sickbay in order, getting ready for their next mission, whatever that may be. She was going over the duty roster and making sure that everyone on that list was here on the ship. Medicine supply was a little scarce. She was getting ready to complain when one of her nurses walked in carrying some supplies, "They forgot to inform us that this came. There's a few more things but I ran out of hands." Her nurse set the stuff down, "I can put this away if you want me to. It'll give you time to do something else."

Mutara smiled, "Sounds great. I need to check on a few more things anyway." The nurse went onto put the supplies away and Mutara went into her office to check on the medical records of those with health concerns on the ship. She heard someone walk in. When she turned around, she saw someone that she thought she had met before but wasn't sure. She stood up, "Commander?"

Vina put her hand up, "No need for formality. We've met before at one of those medical conventions way back when. I was the one who tripped and knocked you down. I'm actually friends with two of your brothers and your sister."

Mutara studied her for a moment, "Oh yes, now I remember. Which brothers?"

"Kyle and Bryce. I met Kyle when I was getting ready for a command position and Bryce, I worked with him when we were on a mission. We became friends and kept in touch. Bryce thought I'd get along with Tameara so he introduced us. He was right."

"So, I am assuming that you are taking over the Executive Officer position? Cause obviously, you're not replacing me." Mutara looked at her.

Vina laughed, "Oh no, no, not me. You certainly don't have to worry about that. You are married to the Commanding Officer. I doubt he'd let that happen. No, I love medicine but I really needed a change and if I'm ever going to get my own command, I'll have to prove myself as the XO."

"May I ask why you decided to change professions?" She couldn't think of being anything else.

"Well." She motioned to a seat and sat down, "I've lost a few fellow crewmembers and friends. You of all people must know how it feels to work on someone that you know and they don't make it. Not only do you question yourself if you could have done something different, you wonder if you made the right choice. At least with the XO position, family members can't blame you for their death."

"I do get it. I've wondered the same thing. But we aren't Gods. Shit happens. All we can do, is our best with the knowledge and skills we have." She exhaled, "Without us, they'd have no chance to survive."

"True." She cleared her throat, "Anyway, I really just wanted to come and reintroduce myself. I promise that I won't step on your foot again and knock you down."

"I trust you. And I'm glad you're here. Maybe we could have lunch sometime and just talk."

Mutara smiled, "Sure."

Vina gave her an inquisitive look, "Hobbies. Do you like horses?"

"I do. Why?" She asked.

"Me too. I have this awesome program for horseback riding. Thought you'd like to do something to kill the monotony of this job."

Mutara liked the idea. She hadn't done much for fun lately and for the XO to want to hang out with her, was ecstatic, "Sounds fun actually. I'd like that."

Vina stood up, "Well, I know you have things to do so I will leave you to it. It was nice meeting you and I look forward to our adventure."

"Me too. See you around, I'm sure."

Vina walked out with a smile.

Mutara was pleasantly surprised that it went so well. She went back to what she was doing.


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