New Security Chief
Posted on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 6:04am by Lieutenant Commander Trriston Solarr & Rear Admiral Jack Pike
997 words; about a 5 minute read
Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: USS Daedalus/USS New Hampshire
Having sent all but one bag ahead, Trriston carried his last bag with him to the transporter room. This bag contained his most prized possessions. Rrumall was carrying the small travel carrier with Trriston's pet ferrets, Kodo and Podo. While he walked, Trriston spoke in his native, purr-like Trrugar with his Corrtan (or soul brother), Rrumall, who was a security officer on board the Daedalus.
<"It has been great getting to see you again my friend. I'm excited about my new post, but I'm going to miss you,"> Trriston said, just a little sadly.
<"I have enjoyed seeing you again, too,"> Rrumall replied, also in Trrugar. " he added, indicating the ferrets. <"Just don't forget to write from time to time.">
<"I'll do my best not to forget. I promise,"> Trriston replied. <"Just remember that you can write me too,"> he added.
<"I'll try to remember that.">
They finally arrived at the transporter room. Trriston set his bag down on the transporter pad and Rrumall set the carrier down next to it. They turned to give each other a big hug. <"Take care of yourself, Rrumall.">
<"You too, Trriston,"> Rrumall replied as they ended their hug. <"Happy hunting, Corrtan.">
<"Happy hunting."> Trriston stepped up onto the transporter pad and turned to face the transporter chief. Switching to English he said, calmly, "You may enerrgize when rready."
"One moment while I get final confirmation from the New Hampshire that they're ready for you, sir," the Chief replied. A few seconds later her console beeped alerting her to the confirmation. "They're ready now, sir. Good luck."
"Thank you, Chief," Trriston said.
With that, the transport sequence began and the transporter room of the Daedalus faded out. Soon the transporter room of the New Hampshire faded in and Trriston was standing next to his bag and the carrier on the pad.
"Welcome aboard, sir," the transporter chief said.
"Thank you, Chief," Trriston replied, happy to see that the Chief didn't seem to be concerned by his appearance. Most people seemed to be a bit intimidated by him the first time they met, especially if he was the first Trrugar they had ever met.
Trriston picked up his bag and the carrier and went to his quarters to get things settled, at least enough for him to start his duties on time. The first thing he did was to make sure that the custom safety box for Kodo and Podo was in place and operational. Once he was sure it was, he let them out of the carrier and they immediately began exploring their new home.
Trriston chuckled at their eagerness and began putting the part of his Klingon blade collection that was for use in place, some in drawers and some on stands that were either on a table or mounted on a wall. Once that was done, he unpacked his clothes, starting with his uniforms since he would be needing those first. Then he set the boxes holding the rest of his blade collection off to the side where it would be out of the way until he could set it out properly.
Trriston took one last look around to make sure there wasn't anything important he needed to do before reporting for duty. Seeing that everything was in order, he took a quick shower, put on a clean uniform, and picked up the padd with his orders on it before going to report to the captain.
“Computerr, wherre is Commodorre Pike?” he asked, needing to know where to report.
“Commodore Pike is in his ready room,” the computer replied in its usual, flat tone.
Trriston thanked the computer and made his way to meet his new commanding officer. As he got off the turbo lift on the bridge, he automatically noted the layout, making mental notes of every entry point and all potential cover positions should they be needed. He stopped at the door to the ready room, pressed the chime, and waited for the reply.
Jack has just sat down back behind his desk after getting another cup of coffee when he heard the door chime "Enter."
Trriston went in and stopped in front of the desk and came to attention. “Lieutenant Trriston Solarr, rreporting forr duty, sirr.”
Jack placed his mug onto the desk "Please have a seat, Lieutenant."
“Thank you, sirr,” Trriston replied, then sat in one of the two seats in front of the desk.
Jack nodded then took a sip of coffee "Can I get you anything to drink Lieutenant?"
“No, thank you, sirr. I’m fine,” Trriston replied, appreciating the offer.
"Very well." Jack placed his mug on his desk "So, do you have orders for me."
“Rright herre, sirr,” Trriston said as he handed the padd to Commodore Pike.
Jack took the padd looking it over "So, you will be taking over as Chief of Security, as my cousin Nathaniel is taking quite a lot of time off to deal with some personal issues.”
“Yes, sirr,” Trriston replied. “Though I wasn’t told why the position was open, only that therre was an opening herre forr Chief of Securrity. When I looked up the historry of the ship and herr captain, I decided that it was wherre I wanted to be.”
Jack gave a curt nod "That's good to know, so Lieutenant, do you have any questions for me?"
Trriston thought for a moment before asking “Is therre anything that you think I should know that won’t be in the files, sirr?”
Jack had finished his coffee "No there currently isn't Lieutenant."
“In that case, I have no further questions, sir,” Trriston replied.
"Very well then you are dismissed," Jack spoke.
Trriston stood and came to attention, “Yes, sirr.” He turned and left the captain’s ready room, heading for the security office to begin going through the files and getting the office set up the way he wanted it.