
Meeting the new First Officer

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2022 @ 11:57am by Rear Admiral Jack Pike & Commander Vina Lokai

781 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch

Jack was on board the New Hampshire over seeing some of the upgrades it was receiving. He had been informed that he would be getting a new First Officer.

Vina was touring the ship and getting her bearings. She found her assigned quarters and checked to see if her things had arrived. Her quarter's were satisfactory.

It was time to meet the Commanding Officer. She showered, got dressed in her proper attire and ventured out to meet him, "Computer, locate Commodore Pike."

The computer spoke with almost a sarcastic tone "Commodore Pike is currently in his ready room."

"Then the ready room it is." Vina made her way to the bridge and walked over to the entrance of the ready room. She rang the chime, just to be proper and professional. She eyed the bridge as she waited for him to respond.

Jack looked up "Enter."

Vina didn't smile but spoke in a matter of fact tone, "Commodore Pike. I'm your new Executive Officer, Commander Vina Lokai. Reporting for duty...Sir." She observed him as he spoke.

Jack placed his mug down on his desk "Hello Commander." Standing up extending his hand out "I had recently heard that I would be getting a new First Officer."

Vina shook his hand and smiled this time, "Yes. Commander, um, Captain Kimoto got a ship of her own. I've heard good things about you and the New Hampshire. So, I asked for this posting after I learned she was promoted and you were losing her." She just wanted a change in her life.

After shaking her hand he motioned for the empty chair then sat down himself "Yeah it was too bad to see her go, but she'll make a fine Commanding Officer, I was happy to hear that she's gotten her own ship."

"Thank you." Vina sat down, "I am too. I was ready for a change of scenery. And a new ship at that." She paused for a moment, "So, from what I understand, you were the CO of the New Hampshire-A for what? Six or seven years? Do you miss the New Hampshire-A?"

"Yes I was for about 7 years with the New Hampshire-A, I miss it some, but I am like B so far." Jack chuckled. "So... tell me about yourself?"

"Me." She thought for a moment, "Well, I'm divorced with one child, a boy. He's an Engineer on another ship. I used to be the Nautilus-B's Chief Medical Officer. I had decided that I wanted a command position, so I did what I needed to do to get there."

Vina shifted in her seat, "Then something unexpected happened. The Executive Officer on the Nautilus-B was killed by a warp core breach on another ship he was helping out with. I went from Chief Medical Officer to Executive Officer..." she snapped her fingers, "...just like that. There were a few crewmembers who weren't happy about my promotion though. They felt that he should have been replaced with someone who had more experience, not a medical officer. I paid them no mind." She leaned forward in her seat, "Your turn."

Jack sat there listening as she spoke "Well I am a direct descent of Chris Pike, I am married to the Chief Medical officer on board the New Hampshire-B." He gave a small smile.

Vina smiled back, "Oh, so you're the one who snatched her up. I'm good friends with her brothers Kyle and Bryce, and her twin sister, Tameara. I've only met her once before though. I'll just have to stop by, say hello and check out Sickbay."

Jack chuckled "Yeah I was the one who won her heart and asked if she would be willing to put up with me for the rest of our lives."

"Aww. And she accepted. How sweet." She changed the subject, "Okay. On to other things. I checked out my quarters. It's a lot nicer than the one I had on the Nautilus. And it looks like my things arrived safely. So, do I have an office?"

Jack nodded "Yeah the New Hampshire is just a bit of a bigger ship. That you do have an office. "

"Good. I'll set that up later today." She tried to think of questions to ask him but none came to mind, "Do you have any questions for me?" She hated the awkward 'cricket moments' as she called it.

"No I currently have no questions for you Commander, you may get settled in if you like."

"Okay then." Vina stood up, "I appreciate you taking the time to see me. I should be settled in before I'm due on the bridge."

Jack nodded "See you on the bridge Commander."



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