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Team Practice - Trillikor

Posted on Mon Jun 26th, 2023 @ 8:34pm by Lieutenant Bolin Ziraf & Ensign Jhesia zh'Kaaliq
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 8:58pm

1,112 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: USS New Hampshire - Main Holodeck
Timeline: 2020 hours, March 17, 2398

As crew members of the starship New Hampshire prepared for their team practice, Lieutenant Bolin Ziraf and Ensign Jhesia zh'Kaaliq joined the rest of the squad for an intense session of a unique sport known as Trillikor. The water in the ship's aquatic recreation facility shimmered, ready to witness their skill and teamwork in action.

Trillikor was a unique Bolian sport that combined the speed and strategy of lacrosse or field hockey with the aquatic agility of underwater competitions. Played in shallow water of about 4 and a half feet, the game requires players to maneuver through the liquid environment while passing a floating sphere. Players use specially designed crosse-like sticks to score goals.

As the practice began, the teammates made up of ranks high and low filled the pool. They formed two teams. Each team consisted of six players, with Bolin and Jhesia leading their respective sides. The rules were similar to traditional lacrosse, with slight adaptations to accommodate the underwater setting.
The objective was to score goals by shooting the sphere into the opposing team's net, using only the crosse sticks. Players were allowed to swim freely throughout the shallow water, passing the sphere using the netted pocket of their crosse. However, they had to be careful not to restrict their opponent’s movement. Excessive physical contact could lead to penalties.

Bolin, a skilled athlete with impressive speed and agility, took charge of his team's offense. He shouted instructions and coordinated the plays. He emphasized the importance of teamwork, making quick passes to outmaneuver the opposing defense. Jhesia was known for her strategic thinking and excellent spatial awareness. She directed her team's defense by ensuring they maintained a solid line. Her speed in the water helped her intercept passes and disrupt opponents.

The fast-paced nature of Trillikor demanded both physical and mental agility. The crew members displayed their skills as they weaved through the water, executing precise passes, and launching shots towards the goals. The sound of splashing water and enthusiastic shouts filled the aquatic facility, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly competition.

Other teammates, such as Crewman Talaq and Ensign Prenna, showcased their speed and accuracy, contributing to the intensity of the practice session. They worked together to utilize their individual strengths. They constantly adapted to the ebb and flow of the game.

Throughout the practice, Bolin and Jhesia provided guidance and encouragement to their teammates, offering advice on positioning, timing, and coordination. They emphasized the importance of communication and trust, reinforcing the bonds of teamwork that are essential both on the field and during their daily shipboard duties.

As the session drew to a close, the team left the pool. Their bodies and spirits were invigorated from the exhilarating game. The practice had not only honed their skills in the sport but had also strengthened the bonds within the team.

In the Bolian culture, sports like Trillikor played a significant role in fostering unity, discipline, and a sense of belonging. The New Hampshire’s team had five Bolian crew members out of twelve. Through their dedication to the game and their shared experiences, the crew members forged lasting friendships and a deep sense of camaraderie that extended beyond the confines of the aquatic facility.

The team mostly practiced to play teams from other ships. More often than not, they practiced and scrimmaged. This would include “pick up” games which allowed people to rotate between teams. The team even prepared to compete on a tournament located on Bolarus IX. It would take some time before the team qualified for the tournament, but it was a major goal for the team.

With their spirits high and their skills sharpened, the Bolian crew members looked forward to future Trillikor matches, where they would showcase their talents and continue to strengthen the bonds of friendship that made them a formidable team both on and off the field.

As Lt. Bolin Ziraf and Ensign Jhesia zh'Kaaliq finished changing and conducted their post-training hygiene routine, they headed out of the aquatic facility. Bolin, his blue-hued skin glistening from time spent in the water, turned to Jhesia with a wide smile.

"Great work out there, Jhesia! You're getting closer to being as good as a Bolian in the water."

Jhesia, her Andorian antennae twitching with a hint of amusement, nodded appreciatively. “Thank you, Bolin. I must admit, having these antennae helps me navigate and sense the currents underwater. It gives me a slight advantage, I suppose."

“No doubt, they must come in handy. I've always admired how Andorians have unique adaptations that suit your diverse environments."

As they walked side by side, their conversation turned to their shared love for swimming and the challenges they had overcome during their training drills.

"You know, sir”, Jhesia said. “Swimming has always been a part of my life. Growing up on Andoria, I spent countless hours diving into frigid waters and honing my skills. It's second nature to me. Cavern swimming is big in Andorian culture… At least in places that aren’t total ice flows.”

"I can relate. Bolians have a deep connection with water too. Our homeworld's vast oceans and intricate network of waterways have shaped our culture. We learn to swim almost as soon as we can walk."

"I've heard about your people’s impressive swimming prowess. You Bolians are known for your endurance and strength in the water. I've seen you push yourself during those grueling drills. It's inspiring."

"Thanks, Ensign. The drills can be tough, but they make us better, more resilient. It's all about pushing our limits and discovering what we're capable of. There's a certain satisfaction that comes from overcoming those challenges."

"Absolutely. I thrive on the feeling of accomplishment after conquering a tough drill. We're constantly pushing ourselves to be our best.”

Their shared experiences in the water created an unspoken bond between Bolin and Jhesia. They understood the drive and commitment required to excel in their respective fields, and their conversation reflected their mutual respect.

"You know, Jhesia, I appreciate your tenacity and skill. It's not easy keeping up with Bolians in the water, but you've proven yourself time and again. I'm glad to have you as a teammate."

"Thank you, sir. The feeling is mutual. It's an honor to be part of this team and to have the opportunity to learn from each other. Together, we can achieve great things."

As they continued their conversation, Bolin and Jhesia walked side by side, their shared love for swimming forging a connection that extended beyond their roles aboard the starship. In the challenges of the water, they found common ground and a friendship that would endure through their shared experiences.


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