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Soaring into the Sun - Part Three

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 3:48am by

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS Red October
Timeline: 1830Hrs - March 5th, 2398

The allotted time for her holodeck program had finaly elapsed. Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer sighed softly as she felt the holographic overlay turn off, her flight suit and gear all reverted back to the clothing she had been wearing when she had started this program. A simple T-shirt and a pair of jeans but what had been real were the steal-toed boots.

The boots in question were designed to look as close to Starfleet-issue footwear as possible but she almost always wore armoured footwear, regardless of assignment.

Archer exited the holodeck, she turned and moved over to the control panel for the holodeck which was a dozen or so feet down the hallway rather than next to the entrance, this was a little quirk of starship design that had always confused her.

Archer tapped the display once. "Computer, file program and clear..." she commented. "Another one I'll be keeping..." she added with a gentle smile on her lips. It was time to head home and get some sleep. She was a woman who enjoyed her rest when she could get it. Being a single parent was rough at times. Nathan was a demanding child. Archer smiled as she wouldn't have her son any other way.

Archer tapped the display a second time, before she moved off into the nearby turbolift, within minutes she had returned home.

The doors parted at her approach while the Klingon woman entered her home away from home. Archer was stuck living out of a backpack while she was aboard the Red October. The Klingon sat down on the sofa as she let out a loud sigh. Her adventure on the holodeck was fun but she was also wanting this long journey to be over and the Red October could only drop her at Starbase 668. She would need to hop a transport to get closer to where the USS New Hampshire-B was presently preparing for service. The good news was that she could easily hitch a ride to Earth from the Starbase.

Archer sighed as she felt restless and bored. She hated travelling but she liked being busy. But right now as she sat on the sofa in the quarters that she had more or less been borrowing for her little trek to Starbase 668. She had never felt so useless.

"I hate travelling." The Klingon female commented as if there was someone sitting next to her, which of course. There wasn't.

Archer sighed as she closed her eyes, while she fought to clear her mind of distractions. Normally she could lapse into a meditative state almost right away but tonight, she couldn't quite get there. Letting out a loud, frustrated sigh while she did so.

"I need a vacation." as the Klingon woman went over to the desk in the corner. Archer pulled out the chair before she sat down. She had not intended to sit here and brood over being bored but here she was doing it all the same. The Klingon woman wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She once again reminded herself of how much she hated travelling between assignments.

To make matters even worse. Had she been allowed to wait a couple of weeks. The London would have been able to drop her off at Mars as she had been scheduled for a layover at Earth Station Minsk for replenishment and crew rotation. The ironic thing was this only added to Archer's misery. When she was miserable, she got angry and when she got angry. Weird things started happening.


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