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Archer's Arrival

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 3:56am by

578 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS Huntress
Timeline: 0930Hrs - March 9th, 2398

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer was sitting in the messhall of the USS Huntress. She had transferred from the USS Red October two days earlier and now she was due to arrive where her next assignment was waiting for her and several others.

The Huntress was an Akira class starship of the line. It was also coming back from a patrol assignment and was due in for replenishment and a week off for her crew. Archer was only hitching a ride, she had also opted to bring her son along with her as she felt he needed some ideas of what life in Starfleet was actually like. Rather than just hearing stories and seeing videos on the subject. Archer felt her son needed to see it and feel it up close.

Archer smiled as she ran her tongue over the ice cream cone in her left hand while she held a glass of warm water in her right. She had always had issues with things that were ice cold, she tended to get massive headaches but somehow her son, Nathan had persuaded his mother to eat ice cream. It had taken a lot of gentle persuasion to get mom to enjoy an ice cream cone but somehow, he had bribed his mother into this feat. Getting her there alone was a major achievement.

"Mmm.." Nathan regarded his mother with a smile. "See. Told ya," he announced in a simple declaration to himself, his mom and everyone else within earshot.

"I've just never had a need for ice cream," Archer answered her son's statement with her own as she smiled. "My assumption was in error," she added.

Nathan regarded his mother with an odd look. "Mom, you almost sound like a Vulcan who likes ice cream."

"It could always be worse you know," Archer answered. "Besides. We're wanted over on the USS New Hampshire-B. So come on and eat your ice cream." the large Klingon-looking woman commented to the teenager seated across from her. He nodded and in one fell swoop, he ate the entire ice cream cone in one bite as Archer blinked. "What?" Archer's brain broke.

"You said to hurry up," Nathan answered. A wide smile on the teenager's face.

"Not like that," Archer answered in a soft tone before she facepalmed. "Now you're going to have brain freeze," she added after a moment.

"What's that?" Nathan inquired as he rose to his feet. "Come on Mom, as you say, we gotta go." the teenager almost hopped out of his chair before he turned to regard his mother who had remained seated. "Mom?"

"Yeah. Coming." Archer answered her son. The massive framed woman sighed while she shook her head. At times Archer thought her son was either insane or downright crazy. She didn't know what one it was going to be.

Archer followed her son out the door. She huffed a gentle sigh before she moved down the hallway, she had no need to shout her son's name as Archer knew where Nathan was heading. Within moments, however, Archer had caught up with her son right as the turbolift doors opened and both went into the turbolift car that was empty of all other souls.

The two returned to Archer's temporary quarters before the two made their way over to the USS New Hampshire. Archer knew that she had rather specific objectives to tend to. This was in order to get her quarters assignment and then to report in.


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