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The Forests of Lordaeron - Part Two

Posted on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 @ 11:12pm by

804 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire
Timeline: 1610Hrs - March 12th, 2398

"Come out Mage!" the demand rebounded to her ears off of the trees around her. Archer quickly looked around but she knew she would not get far.

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer knew the game was up. She had been seen and detected. Now she was left with two choices. Fight the other humans present or surrender to them. She knew they would not ask a second time. When they did. "Come out Mage... We know you are there!"

Archer knew the game was up. She let out a sigh. "Alright. I'm coming out!" she commented as she stepped out of the forest canopy and headed for the path. The knight was back on his horse. He had a dozen armoured footmen with him and another dozen archers. Archer sighed as she knew they would not hesitate to kill her should they desire it of her. She lifted her hands in the universal sign of surrender. Since she had not brought a companion with her. She had no hope of rescue and nobody to help her. She was truly alone.

"Approach slowly, miss." The knight addressed her. Archer did so. "Under what Captain serve you?" he demanded of her.

Archer knew this would end badly. "I don't serve any Captain." she paused. "I am in the service of the King of Stormwind." she paused. "You don't-" was as far as he got before he coldly interrupted her. "We are in the service of the Scarlet Crusade. We are here to purge this place of infidels and demons." he regarded her. "We will take you with us. Don't do anything stupid as I do not wish to bind you. However, I will if I must. If I do, then I will make your death most unpleasant when we get to our final destination of Mardenkeep Hold." he explained to Archer.

Archer nodded her head once. "If I cooperate?" she inquired. She knew that she would be put before the Inquisition anyway.

"Then your actions will be taken into account when we decide what to do with you." The knight commented. "Our destination is two hours walk from here. We are a patrol." he paused. "Are there any of your allies and friends who are skulking around?"

Archer shook her head. "No. I am alone," she answered. To the best of her knowledge, she was alone as she had not brought anyone else with her. If there were alone other humans or elves around, then she was not aware of them.

The knight nodded slowly. "Come over here. You will walk in front of my horse. It's so I can keep an eye on you."

Archer did as she was bid. She knew that every man present was busy admiring her curves and looks. This was a dangerous turn of events. "Ummm... Guys?" she asked.

The knight noticed instantly. "Eyes out!." as he wanted his men focused on their mutual enemy. The restless dead filled these lands to overflowing. "Forward march," he added.

Archer found herself having to keep pace with a man on horseback. She sighed softly, as she knew he could easily compel her audience. Archer walked in silence along with the rest of the troops. She glanced back over her shoulder before she turned her attention to look down at her feet as she knew another attack by the restless dead would not be long in coming. She heard the scream coming from one of the Rangers as she turned.

She found herself facing off against several skeletons, a flying winged creature she assumed was a gargoyle and a massive being who ambled over towards her. She knew that the Abomination was the largest threat. So she cast her frost nova spell. This froze everyone around her in place. While they could still act, they could not move. She cast a fireball at the Abomination, before casting her immolation spell. One could hear its roar of agony as it burned to death.

Archer turned as she cast a pyro blast at the Gargoyle, blasting it out of the skies, as it slowly roasted. She turned a second time as she noticed a Necromancer in the back, raising more skeletons to send against the Scarlet Crusaders. The Knight was charging at the Necromancer, Blade in his hand. It was obvious that he intended to cut down the Necromancer where he stood.

Archer knew it was not going to be quite so simple. The Necromancer proved this as he cast a death coil spell, firing it at the Paladin who was only just able to repel it. He then proceeded to cut down the Necromancer where he stood. Splitting him in twain with his blade, with a loud scream and splatter of blood, the Necromancer fell backwards upon the ground, which had been showered with his blood.


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