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The Forests of Lordaeron - Part One

Posted on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 @ 11:11pm by
Edited on on Fri Apr 7th, 2023 @ 11:13pm

800 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire
Timeline: 1600Hrs - March 12th, 2398

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer smiled as she wore a rather ornate looking-dress. This was part of her get-up that she had kept from her time on the London. She wore a set of black mageweave gear. The top part of the dress went up and around her neck like a high-collared shirt but left her arms and shoulders bare. It also covered everything else down to her calves. The last two pieces of gear were a pair of boots and a large staff. Archer smiled as she used the staff almost as a walking stick. It was so people on the crew would not protest or complain when she was seen out and about with it. The getup was rather unusual for general wear.

Archer approached her destination. The holodeck was something she had booked earlier. After looking after Nathan's evening activies, she was now She called up her holoprogram and went about her business here. Once the program was loaded, she went into the holodeck once the holodeck software bade her to enter.

Archer looked around the ruins of what weas once called the Greenvelt. This place now bore the name of Plaguelands and were split into two zones, The Western and the Eastern Plaguelands. The western half was not a bad area to remain but it was far improved from the eastern zone, which was a toxic hellscape.

A war had been fought here, one side had won and the other, having lost was utterly vanquished. This cursed Elvin forest was all that remained.

If one saw the program that Ebeyov Archer had finished downloading it into the database. One would have assumed that she was medicated. Archer reached out to balance herself against a gnarly old tree as the whispers of decay rang very strongly here in this forest. She smiled as she heard the whispers of the trees. This was something that had been intentional from the outset.

"Hold. Who goes there" came a loud growl from nearby "Under What Lord serve you?" the man demanded. Archer winced as she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. His metallic blade looked truly frightening as his shield gleamed in the ambient moonlight.

The shield itself was large like a bow but tapered off towards the bottom and was decorated in red strikes with white in the center. Also, there was a golden lion printed in the center of the shield itself. his armour also marked him as one who belonged to the scarlet crusade. They were a group of humans that were almost fanatical about their dealings with the undead that lurked in these woods. Archer sighed softly as she knew he would be hostile to her.

They hated the undead and would do anything it took to exterminate them once and for all.

Archer sighed softly as she regarded him, she had seen him but he had not seen her.

The armoured figure pointed his blade around in a slow circle, as he rose his horse slowly through the wooded area "Something isn't right here sir... I say thee that the forest has eyes... I swear it" drifted the sound of Private Booraven, she was nicknamed the lucky charm because she could smell out magic at a hundred paces. Thus several Generals had made use of her to find Mages or Priests, the former to hurt the enemy and the latter to heal the troops who were wounded or to resurrect the dead troops. Yamaguchi knew that she was about to have real trouble on her hands if this private detected her.

Archer then heard a wet snap. She looked up as the armoured figure unsheathed his sword. It was a Paladin's holy sword that was encrusted with various jewels that signified the blade was more than just a regular sword. The knight had just enough time to swing it up as something large and heavy landed on him, knocking him off his mount and onto the ground. The knight growled loudly as if to remind himself that he was alive and intact. A landing like that should have done serious damage to him, but he was just shaken up. The plate armour had protected its wearer well enough as his attacker backed off, allowing the various footmen to charge in to assist their knight in battle.

The fiend put up a brave fight but in the end, it was futile as he was cut to ribbons. A second figure attacked Archer as it slashed at her. She called up a fireball spell and proceeded to blast her attacker in the face. She then cast her immolation spell, setting her attacker alight.

Her foe fell over, burnt to a crisp as several arrows shot past her, smashing her foe into black ashes and pulp.


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