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New Third Officer

Posted on Thu Feb 16th, 2023 @ 11:02am by Rear Admiral Jack Pike & Lieutenant Commander Trriston Solarr

489 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch

Jack was sitting in his ready room when he decided on something, he tapped the comm panel at his desk "Pike to Solarr, report to my ready room."

Trriston tapped his comm badge to reply, “On my, sirr.” He locked his console and made his way to the nearest turbo-lift. “Brridge,” he wondered what the captain wanted, but couldn’t think of anything specific that made sense to him. He hadn’t been on board long enough to have gotten into trouble and there were no situations he was aware of that required his attention. He shrugged and decided that whatever it was, he would do his best to deal with it once he knew what it was. Trriston stepped off onto the bridge, walked calmly to the ready room door, and pressed the chime.

Jack looked up "Enter."

Trriston entered and stood at attention in front of the desk. “Lieutenant Solarr, rreporting as orrdered, Sirr.”

Jack stood up from his chair "Please have a seat."

“Thank you, sirr,” Trriston said before he sat in one of the chairs facing Commodore Pike.

Jack sat down himself "So, Mr. Solarr, how are you liking life on board the New Hampshire?"

“I haven’t been herre long, but I like what I’ve seen so farr,” Trriston replied.

Jack nodded "That's good to know that you are." He paused for a moment "So, I was thinking on this and I wanted to know if in addition to your Chief Security role, would you like to be the Third Officer for the New Hampshire?"

Trriston blinked once in surprise. Me?! He wants me to be his third officer, even though we’ve only just met?! I’ll have to look in my file to see what it says. There must be something in there he liked a lot more than I would have expected, Trriston thought in the two seconds he hesitated. “It would be an honorr, sirr.” Not sure what else to say, Trriston decided to leave it at that.

Jack reached into a drawer then pulled a box sliding it across "Sounds good then Lt. Commander."

Trriston picked up the box, opened it, and stared for a moment at the new rank pip. After a few seconds, when the shock wore off, he began to purr with both pride and joy. He put on the new pip and turned to Commodore Pike, “Thank you, sirr. I must admit, I’m surprrised to be given this honorr so soon afterr coming aboarrd. Thrrilled, of courrse, but definitely surprrised.”

Jack gave a small smile "You are welcome Commander, I am sure that you will do a great job here on the New Hampshire."

“As with all things, sirr, I will do my best,” Trriston replied.

"Is there anything that you wish to discuss Commander."

“No, sirr.”

Jack nodded "You are dismissed then Commander." He went back to the paperwork after Trriston left.


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