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Many Meetings - Part Three

Posted on Sat Dec 3rd, 2022 @ 6:22pm by Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire
Timeline: 1200Hrs - March 9th, 2398

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer moved down the hallway in silence. Her son was beside her, he was half her size. However, he was the size of a human sixteen-year-old boy. "So. Nathan. What do you think of the program so far?" she inquired of her son.

"Terrible," Nathan answered without hesitation.

Archer slowly smiled. "It's just the counsellor now, to make sure that you're of sound mind and judgement and I'm not a crazed lunatic who's about to become deranged," she commented.

"Is that even a thing?" Nathan inquired of his mother.

"Yep. Apparently, they think that unless we get poked and prodded. We're one step away from utterly losing it." Archer then shrugged. "I don't bother questioning it, it'll save us all so much time. Your grandmother and great-grandmother all deal with this. So will it be, with you." Archer commented.

Nathan regarded his mother in silence for a moment. "Sure." he answered, for lack of anything better to say.

Archer smiled as the two reached their destination. She tapped the doorchime.

Sarissa was sitting in a comfy chair, looking up she called the latest arrival to enter. Smiling as the door opened.

Nathan stepped in first. Followed by his mother. "So, mom. Do you ever wonder if you're in the wrong profession?"

"Nope. I like being an engineer. I leave things that explode to your Aunt Kalenna." Archer replied, a gentle smile on her face. "We don't need to scare the counsellor on our first visit, son. It's never a wise plan."

"What... Oh." Nathan answered before he turned to look at Sarissa. "Mmmm." he smiled.

Archer raised an eyebrow, this was unexpected. "Nathan. Have a seat," she added in a rather amused tone of voice. She sighed as she shook her head. "Hello, Counselor.." Archer addressed Aloran. "It's past time we met. I'm Ebeyov and this is Nathan." she handled the introductions.

Sarissa grinned as she looked at Ebeyov and Nathan. “It’s nice to meet you both. Please feel free to call me Sarissa, I don’t stand on ceremony in my office. As for scaring me! Don’t worry about that, there isn’t much that scares me.”

The Archers traded a look. "Ma'am. May I ask you... How old do you think I am?" Nathan inquired.

Archer regarded her son, she knew where he was heading with this. "Before you answer, counselor. Could we have two glasses of water please?" she asked.

“By all means” Sarissa nodded and placed out two glasses before filling them with freshly replicated cold water. “Your age?” She studied Archer curiously. “I’d say you’re older than you look, though I’m not going to hazard a guess at a figure.”

Nathan accepted his drink. He then drank all of the water in the glass. "I'm five years old." he paused. "Human years..." he added.

Archer sipped her drink of water. "Klingons tend to develop fast and Veykul's tend to develop larger them human average." she clarified. "All of my family members are in the same boat, including me," she added. Before Archer drank all of the water in her own drink.

Sarissa nodded and looked towards Nathan. “So you’re younger than I suspected” she grinned. “So how are you settling in? Found any new friends as yet?”

Nathan regarded the counsellor, a curious look on his face. "We've only been aboard for a couple of hours." he explained. "I've been unpacking. Mom felt it best that we meet."

Archer nodded. "I wanted to address any concerns early so they don't become issues. Apparently because if we don't meet then some worry that mental health issues can get out of hand."

Sarissa smiled. “A few hours, or even days, wouldn’t make a lot of difference really. I do appreciate you coming to see me so soon though. Do you have any worries, anything that concerns you?” She looked at Nathan, then at Archer.”

Nathan paused. "None at present," he admitted.

Archer then smiled. "I might have issues getting around the Jefferies tube network. Considering my size and the like. They didn't make those little crawlspaces for people like me." she added.

“Well, there’s always other options or crew members who can go Jeffries tube crawling.” Sarissa offered a wry grin. “If it becomes a problem then we’ll have to sort it out.”

Archer smiled. "It'll be fine," she answered with a breezy smile. "I don't think I will have too many issues. Considering I'm seven foot six in height and... I'm not small either." as she grinned at the other woman.

“Well I certainly wouldn’t argue with you!” Sarissa grinned. “So do either of you have anything you’d like to ask me?”

Archer raised an eyebrow, just as the chair she had been sitting on suddenly collapsed under her massive weight. Archer found herself lying on the floor. She groaned softly. "I hate this crap," she commented in a relatively dry tone. "I show up, say hi. make nice to people and break the furniture. Yep. This is par the course for me." Archer explained herself.

Nathan, of course, reacted predictably. He heard the chair breaking. He turned his head to watch his mother fall backwards and land on the floor amid the wreckage of the chair. "Mom!"

"I'm okay. The only thing hurt is my pride and self-respect." Archer slowly hauled herself back to her feet. "I rather liked that chair. It was comfy."

"Vrykul genetics strikes again?" Nathan asked his mother. Judging by his tone, he had seen this before.

"Yup. You will have that issue too. Always breaking chairs by accident. On account of your mass." Archer then sighed. "Apologies counsellor. What was your question again?" she asked.

Sarissa was grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “I think you more or less just answered it, looks like we need to organise some specially designed furniture for you. Save you any further embarrassment!” She tapped her PADD and made a note. “Any other worries?”

Nathan paused before he grinned back at Sarissa. "Food. Will we get enough food to feed us?"

"His concern is... actually quite valid," Archer commented. "I'm part Klingon and part Vrykul. I require a large amount of food to keep going." she then smiled. "If the replicators stop working... Then it's either I think, or I sink," she added, in amusement. "I can consider it a healthy incentive to ensure this ship keeps working properly."

"Mom, that's not funny." Nathan protested.

"Your right. It's not funny." Archer commented. "But it is a simple truth." she paused as she gave the counsellor a rather saucy smile. "How do you think I'd last if I was stuck eating rations my dear?"

“I think you’d survive long enough” Sarissa smiled warmly. “Honestly though Nathan, the replicators provide an endless supply of food. If the worst came to the worst we have enough rations to last until extra supplies could be sourced.”

"Ration packs weren't made for anyone of my size and stature," Archer commented. "Besides. There is something about eating an extra large pizza to myself. Granted it takes a while as I do loathe bad table manners." she commented. "But a nice large meal never goes wrong."

Sarissa grinned. “Note to the galley...extra large portions of food required. Also ration packs to match said requirement!” She looked at Archer and Nathan. “I’m not kidding, we do need to consider this as a matter of importance.”

Nathan chuckled softly. Archer smiled. "The crews morale may also be improved with better tasing rations too."

“Ohh now that I’m in total agreement with!” Sarissa grinned. “One miracle request at a time I think! So is there anything else the two of you need to talk about?”

Both mother and child shared a look before both shook their heads. "Nothing comes to mind at the present time, counsellor," Archer commented.

“Very well then” Sarissa smiled. “I’m happy to clear you, any problems in the future please come and see me.”

Archer nodded. "Thank you Counselor." she commented, Nathan repeated what his mother had said, thanking the counselor. Before the two of them took their leave.



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