Many Meetings - Part One
Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 9:26am by Rear Admiral Jack Pike
853 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire
Timeline: 1000Hrs - March 9th, 2398
The doors to turbolift one opened and out came an extreamly large-framed Klingon-looking being, who was wearing a Starfleet uniform. She glanced left and then right while she smiled, or rather she tried to smile. This was the worst part of reporting aboard for a new assignment. She was reporting aboard and presenting herself to a senior officer. Last time, she simply needed to go and see her new boss whereas this time it had much more serious implications as now she was seeing the Captain of the ship rather than the ship's chief of anything.
Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer stepped forward and onto the bridge for the first time. She pushed her fears and insecurities aside as she nodded to the person at operations, and she nodded back in return.
"Welcome aboard Lieutenant." Someone addressed Archer.
"Hello. I just arrived about fifteen minutes or so ago." Archer answered. She did not need to raise her voice or let her emotions get in the way as she almost dropped her PADD which she was holding in her hands. She was able to prevent herself from dropping the PADD. A smile graced Archer's lips as she did so.
"The skipper is in the ready room Commander... I think he's expecting you." came the expected and unexpected statement. Both at the same time.
Archer wanted to squirm and run away, but she forced herself to breathe. 'Calm yourself... Calm...' she told herself. She approached the ready room door. She inhaled while she tapped the door chime. Alerting the occupant that a visitor was present.
[Inside the Ready Room]
Jack heard the chime "Enter." He placed his mug down to look and see who would be entering.
Archer sucked in a deep breath before she tapped the door release button. The doors slid apart with a smooth hissing sound before the large-framed woman stepped into the office. She regarded the man sitting behind the desk in silence before her sense of duty took over. She then stepped forward and announced herself. "I'm Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer. Reporting for duty, sir." she addressed the Captain formally. "My name is pronounced as Ee-Bay-yove" she added, for clarification
Archer placed her PADD onto the desk before her. "My orders Captain," she commented as she smiled down at him.
Jack looked at the person then took the PADD "Please have a seat Lieutenant." He motioned to an empty seat in front of his desk.
Archer slid her form into one of the chairs in silence. She regarded him while she did so.
Jack read over the orders and then looked at the other officer "So...what made you want to join the New Hampshire?"
"I was offered the position of Chief Engineer. Opportunities for advancement don't come along too often. I knew I had the experience so I figured why not. So. I stuck my name in and here I am." the Klingon-looking woman explained.
Jack nodded "Sometimes those chances don't come as often or easily for some, but best to at least try as you never know in life."
"Indeed. Besides. I have to set an example for Nathan." Archer commented with a nod of her head. "I've been raising him alone." as she indicated the room. "I've also been teaching him how life in Starfleet could be," she added.
"True that we have to for the next generation." Jack spoke, "Life in Starfleet can be difficult for some, but that's good to know that you are."
"Most of my family serve," Archer explained. "My mother and grandmother both serve, as does my great grandmother." as she smiled. "Nathan will be the most recent in a long line of Archers that have served."
Jack nodded "My family has been serving in Star Fleet since the days of Captain Chris Pike."
Archer paused. "My family doesn't have anywhere near that length of time." she then smiled. "I am the fourth descendent to have served in a row. Nathan has yet to decide. But he will soon." she added.
"And some have never served in Star Fleet, I am sure that he will make the right choice for himself."
Archer smiled. "I'm sure he will. For now, however. I will show him how it works... But he is still a child. Even if he doesn't look or act like it."
Jack spoke, "True there, all we can do is show them but also let them be kids as well."
"Indeed," Archer answered with a nod of her head. "Nathan is an unusual child, so too will be his trials," she added.
"Time will tell on most things." Jack paused for a moment "Is there anything else that you wish to discuss Lieutenant?"
"Not as such, sir," Archer answered. "Other than the usual coming aboard items and meeting various people, I got the rest covered," she commented.
"Very well then, you are dismissed, Lieutenant."
Archer rose to her feet, the chair she was in let out a loud groan as if relieved of bearing her weight. Archer regarded the chair in silence for a moment. She slowly smiled before she took her leave.