
Personal Log: Settling In.

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 12:02am by Lieutenant Commander Trriston Solarr

221 words; about a 1 minute read

<"I have now met with some of the other officers. So far, none of them seem to be surprised or nervous about meeting their first Trrugar. This has been a pleasant surprise for me. It’s nice not having to prove to my crewmates that I’m not about to attack them or eat them.

An even bigger pleasant surprise is that the ‘captain’ made me the third officer of the ship. I’ve never been so high in the command order of any post so far. I only hope that I can do a good job and that I don’t bring any shame or dishonor to my clan, my ship, or myself. I will, of course, do my best as honor demands. I suspect that my nervousness about the new position is just that, it’s a new position for me, and I’m always nervous about new things. I think that’s because I don’t know what to expect, and I’ve had too many unexpected things happen that weren’t pleasant or were hard in unpleasant ways.

I look forward to meeting the rest of the crew and getting to know all of them better. As always, I hope we will all be friends, not just crewmates.”>

(Personal log entry is made in the Trrugar language)



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