Lieutenant Yohan Riggs

Name Yohan Riggs

Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 167
Hair Color Brownish-red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Yohan is well-built, some describe him as being "built like a linebacker" when they meet him. He stays in shape by working out often.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Yohan is calm, reliable, and disciplined. He weighs every decision carefully, looking at it from as many sides as possible in each circumstance.
Strengths & Weaknesses Yohan can get a little too focused on a specific task, which sometimes leads to him missing important details that were not related but had an effect on his task.
Ambitions Yohan hopes to command his own ship one day.
Hobbies & Interests Yohan likes to stay in shape by working out and rockclimbing on the holodeck.