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Surprises from Out of Left Field

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2022 @ 10:34am by

911 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS London
Timeline: 0900Hrs - March 4th, 2398

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer was sitting in the office she had borrowed from the Chief Engineer of the USS London, an older Nebula class ship that she was presently assigned to. The USS London was a good assignment and it was one that she had enjoyed these last five years while serving in Starfleet. Seated across from her were a fellow Engineer and one of the ship's damage control specialists. "So, we can tell Ensign Sathyamoorti that she can have her engineer qualification test at this time and we'll have enough resources to handle the matter.?" Archer inquired of the other two people before her. "I don't get it, what's the issue with our resources again?"

The answer was quickly forthcoming. "We're presently tied up to the dock. Everyone is on leave and there is nobody present to assist those of us who remained behind."

"Lovely," Archer answered in a tone that could have evaporated all of the water on Pacifica and then dried the entire planet at the same time. "So..." she dragged out the sound. "Do I need to go and beg the Chief Engineer over on the Starbase for several dozen people to fill out our ranks while we're fighting to maintain our medical facility?" the Klingon female asked. "Should I wear something appropriate for the encounter?"

The Engineer regarded her with a confused look while the nurse simply smiled. "I didn't know Klingons begged for anything?"

"As a rule, we try not to," Archer answered. "I am not the average Klingon... I'll contact the man and arrange something."

"Maybe he will come to you." The Doctor commented. "What's the worst he could do?" he added after a moment.

Archer regarded him with a measured look as she counted to ten in her mind. "If he came to hear me beg, he's going to be disappointed."

The younger Engineer almost laughed at this statement. "He might try it anyway... Honestly Ebeyov. When was the last time you-" was as far as she got before the Klingon sighed softly. "No. He is not my type," she commented a little too quickly as she sat back in her chair. She did not need the conversation going in this direction.

"Well... What is your type?" The engineer pressed for specifics as she leaned forward in her chair.

"Well... Ummm It ain't him." Archer answered quickly. "Anyway. We all got work to do. So let's go tend to it and stop worrying about each other's love lives." she added as she rose to her feet. "I think that's all we need to worry about at present." Archer knew she was overreacting to the question about her love life or rather the lack thereof but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to run away and as she was presently in charge, she was going to exercise her right to withdraw to safer ground.

The Engineer slowly rose to her feet. "Did any of that seem odd to you?" she asked the Engineer next to her.

"I wouldn't know. I don't know Lieutenant Archer... " he then shrugged his shoulders as if to say the matter wasn't of concern to him. He regarded the engineer. "She's right, we got work to handle because we're stupid enough to remain and everyone else is on leave." He reached back to the desk and picked up a PADD. "I got a test to prepare for."

"I guess I'm working with you then." the younger woman commented. The engineer was easy on the eyes and who knew, maybe she would get to know him better after all was said and finished.

Meanwhile. The Chief Engineer of the USS London came around the corner. "Ahh. El-Tee. I was just looking for you."

Ebeyov Archer raised an eyebrow. "For me?. Why is that?" she paused. "I didn't want to go on leave. I didn't feel like taking the time off."

"No. Your sins have finaly caught up to you." Commander Grace Fletcher answered. The Asian-looking human woman smiled at the larger Klingon woman before her. "I was just asked by the skipper about how you were shaping up and I said that you were ready."

Archer held her silence. Fletcher handed her a PADD. "You're being offered the chance to become your own boss... The chief engineering officer on the USS Hampshire-B. She's apparently heading out on some hush-hush mission even I'm not supposed to know about... But you have only one tie. Your son, who doesn't get in the way... They want you for her Chief Engineering officer." she regarded the massive woman before her. "It's an amazing opportunity for you. Frankly. I envy you but I got a family and I wouldn't take this chance from you, even if I wanted to." Fletcher commented.

"I accept," Archer answered after a moment of reflection. "London and her crew have been good to me. I'll miss this place."

"I know Ebeyov. But London's loss is New Hampshire's gain." Fletcher answered, a wide smile on the smaller woman's face. "Go have a good adventure..." as the Asian-looking human woman's smile only widened. "Also. While you're at it, go find yourself a man... You need to get laid..."

Archer paused. "I'll tend to that, in good time," she answered as Fletcher smiled. "On your way Ebeyov."

Archer knew the meeting was over. It was time to go and pack what she would take with her to the New Hampshire-B and dispose of the rest.


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