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New assignment

Posted on Mon Mar 27th, 2023 @ 1:49am by Lieutenant JG Samuel Renfroe MD

411 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Shuttle craft enroute the New Hampshire
Timeline: Current


Samuel returned to his quarters after a quick nightcap in a bar after a particularly long day in sickbay, just as entered his quarter the computer chirped a -Proty message from Starfleet medical command. He moved to the disk and said in his typical southern drawl “compute display message.” the computer beeped in response and the text appeared on the screen

Attention to Orders
To Lieutenant Junior grade Samuel Renfroe medical officer USS Drago Stardate74229.8 You are hereby requested and required to relinquish your duties to Ensign Juil Montgomery as of this date. And to Report to the USS New Hampshire-B to awesome the Role and duties of Assistant Chief Medical officer as of this date. Signed, Admiral James Lawrence MD Starfleet Medical Command. End transmission…

The Ensign listed in orders wasn’t due to arrive till 0930 the next morning so took the opportunity to get some sleep, he awoke at 0800 the next morning and quickly packed his personal effects, transfer his post to the ensign, and bordered a shuttle for the USS New Hampshire-B as the shuttle made it trek to the New Hampshire Samuel took the opportunity to review the personnel of the ship CMO that you his direct superior, a lieutenant commander Mutara Romaine who ten years his senior, and married to ships commanding officer, he was unsure how to fell about that fact, while he believed you love who love, he also that this particular instance cause a conflict of interest, on several levels, for one her direct superior was her husband, the Commanding officer is married to one of few on ships staff that remove him from active duty and then there was if it came to an impossible choice where would commanding officer draw the line as what he willing to do the save the life of his wife. Samuel decided to look up Commodore Jack Pike’s personnel to try a read on his commanding officer, a Marine, and tactical/ security for most of his career, which seemed to be a very common practice in the aftermath of the Dominion war, Samuel was a huge fan of this practice, as he believed Starfleet while a paramilitary organization, was founded as and focus more the Exploration and humanitarian missions and officers that best suited for those roles.

After several hours the shuttle touched down in one of Newhamshire’s shuttles and Samuel prepared to disembark.


Lieutenant JG Samuel Renfroe
ACMO USS New Hampshire


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