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The Many-Faced God of Death

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 3:51am by

592 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire-B
Timeline: 0900Hrs - March 10th, 2398

It was her second day on the job and her first full day on duty. Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer was sitting on a large shipping crate that she had purloined from being sent to the scrap heap. It was serving as a makeshift chair. Nothing else seemed able to hand;e her weight, as she tended to crush most chairs within minutes. Even the most densely made chairs only lasted hours before Archer either fell through them or she had to replace them due to warping effects.

For now, this packing case was designed to hold up to two metric tons securely and be able to stand up to the same amount of weight. So for now. It was somewhere for her to sit while she worked out figures and details within her mind. The more she looked at the math, the more she realized that the intermix ratios were still too low.

"Does anyone else think this is a dumb decision?" A female voice commented aloud. It was after a moment that Archer realized two things. She had been the one to ask that question. The second was that she has asked aloud and the third, was that Archer also noticed that three people approached her with PADDs in hand. "Ma'am?" one of them asked of her.

"Yes?" Archer asked back, answering their question with one of her own. "Can I help you?" she added.

"You asked a question?" came the response.

"I ask many questions, all of the time. I also almost always ask aloud." Archer explained herself. "The math I keep coming up with for the intermix ratio is still too low. Who drew up these figures?"

"Well., umm." The most senior of the engineers paused. "That was your predecessor. Ma'am."

Archer turned her head as she winced. "Oh, right." she hated being called ma'am or any title that she considered overly formal. she much preferred to be called 'chief'. by her rank or by her name. "Don't call me ma'am, guys. it makes me feel old. Just because I have a teenage son shouldn't help age me before my time." she added.

The three engineers all processed that detail. Archer tapped the PADD in her hands. "Okay. Someone go back and redo this math, please. Before I go hunt down the Targ who left me this. It would mean so much to me and the ship." she added.

The second Engineer gently took the PADD from her. "I'll take care of this before you go off watch,"

"Thank you," Archer answered. "Now I can turn my attention to checking my other course of vexation." she let out a rather deep sigh. "Does anyone here have children... More specifically teenagers?" she added.

One of the engineers in the room, an older human-looking man nodded. "Right here, I got two of them."

"Then you understand my pain," Archer answered as she rose to her feet. "I'm going to pay a visit to the base Quartermaster. Don't let him know I'm coming," she commented. She picked up a PADD that she knew nobody else was using before she called up the requisition list that she was waiting for. "Have none of my supplies been delivered?"

"Not yet, Chief." one of the younger engineers responded.

"Alright. Thank you, everyone. Head on back to what you were doing. I'm going to cram my boot up this man's backside and see what he shits out after I get done with him." as the massive woman departed from Engineering. A rather evil glare on her face.


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