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Many Meetings - Part Two

Posted on Sat Dec 3rd, 2022 @ 6:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine

1,254 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Relaunch
Location: Various Locations - USS New Hampshire
Timeline: 1100Hrs - March 9th, 2398

Lieutenant Ebeyov Archer slowly moved down the hallway, her son beside her. Archer regarded her son. "So, Nathan. Did you finish what you needed to take care of?" she asked.

"Yeah. I did, mom." Nathan answered his mother. "These Sovereign-class ships are so quaint..." he added.

Archer raised an eyebrow. She could use many words to describe the Sovereign class but 'quaint' was not among them. The class was now well over twenty-five years old and many members of the class were now being moved to second-line duties. Many of the tasks that the Sovereign had been getting were going to the new front-line ships like the Gagarin, the Century and the Vesta. Most of the heavy assignments were going off to the Excalibur and the Sutherland.

"Mom, are you even listening to me?" Nathan asked of this mother.

Ebeyov blinked as she belatedly realized that she had tuned her son out for the last minute, she had no idea what he had been saying to her. "I was thinking of what you said about the Sovereign class."

"Figures." Nathan sighed softly. "Are you always so easily distracted mom?"

"No," Ebeyov answered. She then sighed as the two reached their destination.
She was seven and a half feet tall. She peered down at the nurse. "Hello," she commented.

"Um, hello." The nurse was a little intimidated by her height, "The doctor stepped out for a moment but she should be returning shortly."

Just as she said that, Dr. Romaine walked in. She took one look at the Lieutenant standing in front of her, "I am assuming that since I've never seen you before, you're new. And who is this?" She referred to the boy.

Nathan regarded the Doctor. "I'm Nathan." he introduced himself. "It's good to meet you, Doctor," he added. "This is my mom," he added.

Ebeyov regarded the Doctor before her. "I'm Ebeyov Archer. The new Chief Engineer," she explained her presence in the sickbay.

"Nice to meet you both." Dr. Romaine looked over at the nurse who was still staring at Archer, "Nurse Sykes. Don't you have something to do? Stop gawking at our new Chief Engineer and get those meds sorted out." The nurse walked away, embarrassed.

Dr. Romaine just shook her head as she watched the nurse leave, "I'm so sorry about that. I'm Dr. Mutara Romaine." She moved to the other side of the CMO, "So, is this visit for just you or your son too?"

"It's for us both," Archer explained. "I felt it best that you guys get to meet Nathan too." she paused a moment. "It is of no consequence. People will always be curious about new people. Especially people of our sizes. " Archer indicated her son with her hand. "Nathan here is quite young, yet he does not look it," she commented. "Vrykul genetics get big. Klingons get early." Archer added. "It can become quite an interesting mix." She then grinned at the smaller woman.

Nathan regarded his mother in silence before he shifted his attention to the other woman, as if waiting for her response. A gentle smile on his lips.

Mutara smiled at the boy then turned her attention back to his mum, "I have to admit, I haven't met a Vrykul, well, until now." Although this woman before her looked Klingon but she didn't act like most Klingons. Not that Mutara was complaining. Her last confrontation with one, wasn't pleasant.

Mutara continued, "So, what do you need from me today? A physical, check-up or just a get-to-know-us visit?" Being that the boy wasn't a Starfleet officer, he wasn't required to have one.

"All of the above," Archer commented. "Nathan should also be checked too. Being part Vrykul and Klingon, like myself. We both have rather specific medical requirements." she explained. "Besides. The last medical officer got into an argument about me regarding Nathan's growth time." as she gently shook her head. "Nathan, would you like to explain?" Ebeyov suddenly grinned at her son.

Nathan regarded his mother. The look on his face said he was not prepared for the question. "Well. He was unhappy that I had gotten so big, in such a short span of time." he paused. "I'm young, what can I say?"

"It's not just his size and physicality. It's his mental development too." Archer explained. "Nathan is ten years old. But outwardly, he appears as if he were sixteen, except his Vrykul heritage puts him head and shoulders above everyone else." Archer smiled.

"Well, since I am unfamiliar with the Vrykul physiology, I will not form an opinion until I know more. There are records of humans who have exceeded the average height. There was a man who was born in 1918 on Earth. By the time he was 5, he was 5'4". At 22, he measured 8'11". Of course, he had hyperplasia of his pituitary gland and there were others too but I'm sure that's not the case with Nathan here."

Mutara glanced over at Nathan, "As for mental development, I see nothing wrong with being smart. I could give you examples but I won't bore you with that."

Archer slowly smiled. "I had no idea," she admitted. "Eight foot tall. He would have looked down at me, now that would have been something to see." as she regarded the human woman. "Let's hope I don't need to run anywhere. I weigh in at over seven hundred pounds." she regarded the Doctor. "It's due to the mass of my musculature and my bones. My bones are armoured."

Mutara nodded along with a smile, "Interesting. Good to know. So shall we begin? Who's first?"

Nathan raised his hand. "Me," he commented. "Do I need to be anywhere for this Doctor?" he inquired.

Ebeyov regarded her son with an amused smile. "I'll wait then." she added after a moment.

Mutara gestured for him to follow. She then gestured for him to sit on the biobed. "Just give me a second here." She grabbed her medical scanner and proceeded to scan him from head to toe. She was quite impressed, "Well, so far, I don't see anything that is sending me a red flag. How old are you?"

Nathan regarded the human woman before him. "I'm ten years old, Doctor." he answered.

"Yes, you're young and even though your size is above average, I don't see it causing any problems down the road. I can see why your other doctor would be concerned but genetics are an interesting thing. The body adjusts well."

"My other Doctor thought there was some human in the mix." Nathan responded with a soft sigh. "Nope. Half Vrykul and Half Klingon." he then shrugged, as if the matter didn't concern him. Which to Nathan's mind. It didn't.

Ebeyov shuddered. "It was a rather trying conversation. Considering his father-" she indicated her son with her hand while she spoke. "was a full Klingon. Neither Nathan here or I have any human genetics whatsoever." she then grinned as she regarded the Doctor standing before her.

"Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire. I hold with those who favour fire." Nathan commented aloud.

Ebeyov slowly smiled but opted to say nothing.

The examination for mother and child was over quickly. Both of them were in good health for people of their respective species. Ebeyov Archer were certified as being fit for duty and both were also able to enjoy the various amenities of the ship while off duty.


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