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Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 5:16am

Commander Vina Lokai

Name Vina Lokai

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 57

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 145
Hair Color Reddish Brown
Eye Color Hazel


Spouse None
Children Stephen Michael Lokai
Father Robert Storm
Mother Cecila Storm
Brother(s) NONE
Sister(s) NONE
Other Family Leonard Lokai - Ex Husband

Personality & Traits

General Overview She's very tall and slender. She used to show a destructive behavior side which tried her former CO's patience. After getting much counseling, she is now happier and keeps herself busy with holodeck sports to keep her endorphins in line.
Strengths & Weaknesses She has finally adjusted and has coped with things in her life but she still has her moments.
Ambitions None
Hobbies & Interests Sports and horseback riding. Bull-riding, other activities to keep her fit.

Personal History Vina was adopted by Robert and Cecila Storm in 2341. After the unexpected death of her parents, Vina went to Earth and enrolled in a well known University. She studied to become a Medical Lab Technician. There, she met a Medical Doctor and teacher, Leonard Lokai who would later become her husband. They married in the fall of 2356. Two weeks later while her husband was on an away mission, he vanished without a trace. She always believed that he would return to her. After a few months, she was accepted to Starfleet Medical, following in her husband's footsteps. she never gave up hope that he would be found. In 2362, she graduated and served her residency on the USS Wellington. In 2365, she was transferred to the Nautilus-A as Assistant Medical Officer. Also, she was promoted to Lt. Junior Grade. In 2367, she got promoted to Lieutenant. she continued to serve as Assistant Medical Officer until 2370, when the CMO transferred to another ship. She moved up to Chief Medical Officer. When the ship was decommissioned in 2372, she was assigned to the Nautilus-B as acting CMO, under the command of Admiral Bragg. She decided to go for a command position and did what she needed to do to get there. 2375, the Executive Officer was helping out an another ship when the warp core breached, killing him. She was promoted to rank of Commander and was given the position of XO, replacing the one who was killed. Not shortly after that, her husband was found by R. Admiral Clow of the USS Independence accidently while on shore leave. They reunited but they decided to part as friends. They had grown apart from each other, both loving each other but not being IN love. They were divorced soon afterwards.
Service Record 2354-Both parents were killed in a freak accident.
2355-Met Leonard Lokai.
2356-Married. Two weeks later, her husband disappeared. Entered Starfleet medical.
2362-Graduated. Served her residency on the USS Wellington.
2365-Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Transferred to the Nautilus-A and given Assistant Medical Officer.
2367-Promoted to Lieutenant.
2370-Promoted to Lt. Commander and moved up to Chief Medical Officer.
2372-Ship decommissioned. New assignment...Nautilus-B as Chief Medical Officer.
2375-Promoted to Commander. Then promoted to position of Executive Officer. Husband found.
2389 -Transferred to USS New Hampshire - B, replacing Commander Midori Kimoto